Zran acts as your personal assistant and keeps track of your task list through the command line interface!
into the folder you put the jar file in, and use java -jar IP.jar
command to run the application. ____________________________________________________________
hello! I'm Zran, your personal assistant:)!
Type in your to dos for the day and press enter!
Type 'help' to view to list of commands the bot accepts!
Adds a todo task to the task list.
Expected Output:
todo Cook lunch
Noted! Task added: Cook lunch [ ]
Number of Tasks: 1
List of Tasks:
1. [T][ ] Cook lunch
Adds a deadline task to the task list.
For the deadline to be displayed in a DD MMM YYYY format, key in the TASK_DEADLINE as yyyy-mm-dd.
Otherwise, proceed to key in the TASK_DEADLINE in any desired format.
Expected Output:
deadline Submit ST2334 quiz /by 2023-10-04
Noted! Task added: Submit ST2334 quiz [ ]
Number of Tasks: 2
List of Tasks:
1. [T][ ] Cook lunch
2. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)
Adds an event task to the task list.
For the dates to be displayed in a DD MMM YYYY format, key in the START_OF_EVENT and END_OF_EVENT as yyyy-mm-dd.
Otherwise, proceed to key in the START_OF_EVENT and END_OF_EVENT in any desired format.
Expected Output:
event Rugby competition /from 2023-10-14 /to 2023-10-15
Noted! Task added: Rugby competition [ ]
Number of Tasks: 3
List of Tasks:
1. [T][ ] Cook lunch
2. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)
3. [E][ ] Rugby competition (from: 14 Oct 2023 to: 15 Oct 2023)
Lists all tasks in the task list.
Format: list
Expected Output:
List of Tasks:
1. [T][ ] Cook lunch
2. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)
3. [E][ ] Rugby competition (from: 14 Oct 2023 to: 15 Oct 2023)
Marks the task corresponding to provided task index as done on the task list.
Format: mark TASK_INDEX
Expected Output:
mark 1
Congrats! :D Task marked as done: Cook lunch [X]
Marks the task corresponding to provided task index as NOT done on the task list.
Format: unmark TASK_INDEX
Expected Output:
unmark 1
Oopsies! Task unmarked: Cook lunch [ ]
Removes the task corresponding to provided task index from the task list.
Format: delete TASK_INDEX
Expected Output:
delete 1
Noted! Task deleted: Cook lunch
Number of Tasks: 2
List of Tasks:
1. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)
2. [E][ ] Rugby competition (from: 14 Oct 2023 to: 15 Oct 2023)
Filters out tasks containing user’s input of choice/keyword.
Format: find KEYWORD
Expected Output:
find quiz
List of Tasks:
1. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)
2. [D][ ] Submit IE quiz (by: 08 Oct 2023)
Outputs a list of commands and its format of usage.
Format: help
Expected Output:
Help is here! :)
Listed below are the valid commands:
- todo
- deadline
- event
- mark
- unmark
- delete
- find
- help
- bye
For the formats below, replace *field* with your input
TODO: todo *task name*
DEADLINE: deadline *task name* /by *deadline*
EVENT: event *event name* /from *start date* /to *end date*
LIST: list
MARK: mark *existing task index*
UNMARK: unmark *existing task index*
DELETE: delete *existing task index*
FIND: find *keyword*
HELP: help
BYE: bye
Exits the chatbot.
Format: bye
Expected Output:
Goodbye <3 Have a great day ahead!
Action | Format, Examples |
Add todo | todo TASK_DESCRIPTION Example: todo Cook lunch |
Add deadline | deadline TASK_DESCRIPTION /by TASK_DEADLINE Example: deadline Submit ST2334 quiz /by 2023-10-04 |
Add event | event EVENT_DESCRIPTION /from START_OF_EVENT /to END_OF_EVENT Example: event Rugby competition /from 2023-10-14 /to 2023-10-15 |
List | list Example: list |
Mark task | mark TASK_INDEX Example: mark 1 |
Unmark task | unmark TASK_INDEX Example: unmark 1 |
Delete task | delete TASK_INDEX Example: delete 1 |
Find | find KEYWORD Example: find quiz |
Help | help Example: help |
Exit | bye Example: bye |