
User Guide: Zran

Zran acts as your personal assistant and keeps track of your task list through the command line interface!

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java 11 or above installed in your computer
  2. Download the latest IP.jar from here.
  3. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for Zran.
  4. Open a command terminal, cd into the folder you put the jar file in, and use java -jar IP.jar command to run the application.
  5. If the setup is correct, the output should look similar to the following:
     hello! I'm Zran, your personal assistant:)!
     Type in your to dos for the day and press enter!
     Type 'help' to view to list of commands the bot accepts!


Adding a ToDo Task: todo

Adds a todo task to the task list.
Expected Output:

todo Cook lunch
    Noted! Task added: Cook lunch [ ]
    Number of Tasks: 1
    List of Tasks:
    1. [T][ ] Cook lunch

Adding a Deadline Task: deadline

Adds a deadline task to the task list.
For the deadline to be displayed in a DD MMM YYYY format, key in the TASK_DEADLINE as yyyy-mm-dd.
Otherwise, proceed to key in the TASK_DEADLINE in any desired format.
Expected Output:

deadline Submit ST2334 quiz /by 2023-10-04
    Noted! Task added: Submit ST2334 quiz [ ]
    Number of Tasks: 2
    List of Tasks:
    1. [T][ ] Cook lunch
    2. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)

Adding an Event Task: event

Adds an event task to the task list.
For the dates to be displayed in a DD MMM YYYY format, key in the START_OF_EVENT and END_OF_EVENT as yyyy-mm-dd.
Otherwise, proceed to key in the START_OF_EVENT and END_OF_EVENT in any desired format.
Expected Output:

event Rugby competition /from 2023-10-14 /to 2023-10-15
    Noted! Task added: Rugby competition [ ]
    Number of Tasks: 3
    List of Tasks:
    1. [T][ ] Cook lunch
    2. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)
    3. [E][ ] Rugby competition (from: 14 Oct 2023 to: 15 Oct 2023)

List all Tasks: list

Lists all tasks in the task list.
Format: list
Expected Output:

    List of Tasks:
    1. [T][ ] Cook lunch
    2. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)
    3. [E][ ] Rugby competition (from: 14 Oct 2023 to: 15 Oct 2023)

Marking a Task: mark

Marks the task corresponding to provided task index as done on the task list.
Format: mark TASK_INDEX
Expected Output:

mark 1
    Congrats! :D Task marked as done: Cook lunch [X]

Unmarking a Task: unmark

Marks the task corresponding to provided task index as NOT done on the task list.
Format: unmark TASK_INDEX
Expected Output:

unmark 1
    Oopsies! Task unmarked: Cook lunch [ ]

Deleting a task: delete

Removes the task corresponding to provided task index from the task list.
Format: delete TASK_INDEX
Expected Output:

delete 1
    Noted! Task deleted: Cook lunch
    Number of Tasks: 2
    List of Tasks:
    1. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)
    2. [E][ ] Rugby competition (from: 14 Oct 2023 to: 15 Oct 2023)

Finding Tasks: find

Filters out tasks containing user’s input of choice/keyword.
Format: find KEYWORD
Expected Output:

find quiz
    List of Tasks:
    1. [D][ ] Submit ST2334 quiz (by: 04 Oct 2023)
    2. [D][ ] Submit IE quiz (by: 08 Oct 2023)

Help: help

Outputs a list of commands and its format of usage.
Format: help
Expected Output:

    Help is here! :) 
    Listed below are the valid commands: 
    - todo 
    - deadline 
    - event 
    - mark 
    - unmark 
    - delete 
    - find 
    - help 
    - bye 
    For the formats below, replace *field* with your input 
    TODO: todo *task name* 
    DEADLINE: deadline *task name* /by *deadline* 
    EVENT: event *event name* /from *start date* /to *end date* 
    LIST: list
    MARK: mark *existing task index* 
    UNMARK: unmark *existing task index* 
    DELETE: delete *existing task index* 
    FIND: find *keyword*
    HELP: help
    BYE: bye

Exit: bye

Exits the chatbot.
Format: bye
Expected Output:

    Goodbye <3 Have a great day ahead!

Command Summary

Action Format, Examples
Example: todo Cook lunch
Add deadline deadline TASK_DESCRIPTION /by TASK_DEADLINE
Example: deadline Submit ST2334 quiz /by 2023-10-04
Example: event Rugby competition /from 2023-10-14 /to 2023-10-15
List list
Example: list
Mark task mark TASK_INDEX
Example: mark 1
Unmark task unmark TASK_INDEX
Example: unmark 1
Delete task delete TASK_INDEX
Example: delete 1
Find find KEYWORD
Example: find quiz
Help help
Example: help
Exit bye
Example: bye